ezine articles editors

"Thank you for your submission to EzineArticles.com titled "X" (********).
We would like to help you get this article approved but there is an issue which needs to be resolved first.
Please contact us at http://ezinearticles.com/contact.html for more information."

Why don't ezine articles editors actually do there job and edit? Or at least offer some helpful (and honest) advice. Lately a lot of authors have been getting articles rejected for no reason, and reason's such as incorrect use of paragraphs, when their use of paragraphs has been fine.

"ezinearticles editors please contact us for more information"
"Spelling errors" highlighted by their checking tool identify common words as a spelling mistake, and incorrect grammar errors. My own proof reading and tools, whilst not infallible, have not yielded any errors, where their editors, who probably have a quarter of the English education as I do, and perhaps of most ezinearticles authors.
Ezinearticles checking rejects words is listed in merriam-webster and just about every other dictionary, why is it listed as a spelling error on their site? Yet other obvious spelling mistakes are not?

The new ezine articles system seems to be rejecting perfectly good quality articles, and giving many false positive rejections for spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. The only purpose I can see is that the editors have to reach some kind of quota to satisfy a new level of rejections since their scare with Google, yet they offer next to no helpful information, or do any editing.

Many of my writing team in Australia and other author colleagues are experiencing the same issues with false positives, or super strict guidelines to the point of being ridiculously strict, but offering no helpful information on specific issues, often just sending a rejection saying "contact us". A waste of your own time, as articles will need to be resubmitted countless times.

We do our best to offer quality, original and expert level articles, and don't like to see junk articles on their site either. But if these false positives or super strict rejections continue I and many other authors I know (and many more I don't) will cease to use the ezinearticles service.

To Christopher Knight CEO of Ezine Articles, if you're reading this, your company is going down the tube, thanks to your dumb ultra restrictive policies, and unhelpful editors. Go on, push all of us skilled expert authors away to your competitors, your loss.